Twenty-four leading journalists, media regulators and media standards champions from 10 countries explore the structures and challenges for media freedom and building trust in the media in their countries.

Findings by topic

See findings on: Trust in the media

Cohort 2021 - journalists, regulators, champions of media standards

Perspectives of the 2021 cohort of journalists, regulators and champions of media standards.


Cohort 2020 - journalists, regulators, champions of media standards

Perspectives of the 2020 cohort of journalists, regulators and champions of media standards.


See findings on: Media freedom

Cohort 2021 - journalists, regulators, champions of media standards

Perspectives of the 2021 cohort of journalists, regulators and champions of media standards.


Cohort 2020 - journalists, regulators, champions of media standards

Perspectives of the 2020 cohort of journalists, regulators and champions of media standards.


Findings by country

Experience across Africa is diverse. Our group comes from the ten countries shown. See their findings about their countries.

Summary of findings & recommendations

This site sets out the perspectives on challenges and opportunities for media freedom and building trust in the media across the continent of a group of media leaders, regulators and media standards champions from 10 countries across sub-Saharan Africa. These groups came together in London for a course on media freedom and trust facilitated by the University of Westminster, and supported by the Chevening Foundation, May to June 2022.

The conclusions and recommendations set out here are those of the course Fellows, and do not necessarily reflect the perspectives of either the University of Westminster or the Chevening Foundation.